Sunday, April 3, 2011

How can Social Justice be a regular aspect within the classroom?

It is hard to say but the two article given were full of truth and negatives. What a terrible aspect to a future teacher seeing that schools can be "corrupt" in this way. Teachers should be there for there students 100 percent of the time and making their school environment an enjoyable one. Students should not be falling behind or not having the chance to succeed. These students may find school their safe haven because it is better than home. Teachers need to create an environment where they feel free of judgement and neglect. Students with any sort of difference, which is all of them, need to feel comfortable at school not secluded. Social justice needs to be a main priority within schools and the faculty need to make an effort to do so. Within the article I provided, it gives tips to integrating social justice within the classroom. It is very informative for a teacher that is looking to add social justice to not only the classroom but the curriculum. It gives tips on how to get background information on different areas and getting the students involved. It is not just a lecture type of lessons students need the hands on experiences to the world that will help them understand what social justice is.
A classroom that has the aspect of social justice is the type of classroom that will produce successful students time after time. Within these kinds of classrooms children feel comfortable and able to learn in this kind of setting. There are some classrooms where social justice is not an aspect and these students struggle. Using an example from the reading in the Educational Foundations book, Death at an Early Age, Stephen was an African American boy within a class and was segregated by the Art teacher. You can see he struggled because of his race and was secluded in the classroom. That is the type of classroom where social justice is not present. It is a horrible thing to think about when you know that there are classrooms out there like the one Stephen was in and this student will struggle to succeed but will not have the useful tool called a teacher to help. Social justice needs to be a large component in every school. every day to create successful children.

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