Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Goodbye EDU 100!

EDU 100 was a requirement based on becoming an elementary education teacher. I am glad it was a requirement because I learned a lot about education that I did not know about before. What I am going to take away with me specifically is the discussion on "Waiting for Superman". I found this extremely interesting ebcause this is a major issue within not only the state but the entire country. Becoming a teacher I need to know of all the issues within our education system and how I can help to change that. Students need a teacher who is willing to stand up and fight for them so each and everyone of them can succeed. I will definitely rent this movie to watch it completely because it seems so interesting. Although this is a major eyeopener to me and the one that will stick with me the most, I will still keep in mind all the other lessons we had this semester. I also enjoyed learning about the Zero Tolerance and Underprivileged children. These aspects are really important in our schools and the education systems need to be aware of it. Teachers specifically. They need to be able to be there for that child and do anything in their power to help them. Students want to succeed as much as the next one so you need to be there for them. Also they do not want to be in school that could cause them harm, so schools need to take into the account the safety and comfortable factor for the students.


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