Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Should Sexuality Be Taught in Classrooms?

Schools have always incorporated Sexual Education into their curriculum whether it is during gym or health class. There have been some questions raised as whether or not to teach further into the Sexual Education area and talk about sexuality. Sexuality has been a topic in schools now and in the past but not to the extent that some people. According to this article schools talk about gender roles, such as in the past girls did home economics and the boys were involved in wood shop. In schools today students are mixed together and take both courses. Gender roles play a huge role in everyday life no matter what and in this article they use a few good points. These points are starting preschool when students are addressed as "boys and girls" then goes on to "best friends" and "boyfriends/girlfriends". All these terms play a role in gender differences and are a key point in teaching that teachers need to be aware of. Another aspect that the author touches upon in the article is about a teacher training seminar offered to work on expanding their knowledge of homosexuality and gender diversity. A lot of this new knowledge acquired for the teachers is completely new to them and can help within their curriculum. Incorporating this new topic in their curriculum can help to lessen the bullying in schools due to homosexuality as well as gender roles to.
I am all for teaching sexuality to students within their health classes at school. I believe thought that students should be taught this starting in the eighth grade or higher because I feel that they are not mature enough any younger than that to understand the real factors. It is hard for students who are struggling with the fact that they possibly be homosexual to try and fit in because people can judge them far to quickly. With a higher understanding of what the student feels and that their differences are okay in the classroom will definitely help in the decreasing of bullying within schools. Sexuality in the classroom can help students who are straight or homosexual in so many ways with out them even knowing. They could be affected personally by this topic or down the road but I am sure that once they learn more about the subject and understanding of it all they will be far less likely to pick on someone for being "different".


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