Monday, February 21, 2011

Are some schools going a little to far with the banning?

   Is a high five to much contact during a school day? No. Is hugging to much contact? It can be. Is playing tag at recess to much contact? NO! Why do some schools believe that they can just take away certain things from students that seems completely absurd? A middle school in Virginia has taken it to the next level and has banned just about any form of touching possible in school. Yes I agree in every way that students should not be able to show affection during school, such as kissing but a hug is not really that bad. A student may be having a bad day and if someone gives them a hug to make them feel better they could be punished for it? That is definitely taking it out of hand, maybe if two students are showing a little bit to much of public display of affection while hugging then a teacher can take initiative and tell the students to break it up. This school in Virginia isn't the only one taking away touching during school other schools in Iowa, Texas, and Florida are taking the initiative to. 
   I understand where the schools are going with banning some of these actions but then again I think they are getting out of hand. I do not agree in some of the aspects though, such as the high-fiving. Students and teachers do the high-fiving as a sense of congratulations or good job. Denying that sort of interaction can limit success rates in the class. A teacher can still kind of "hype" the situation but I think the high-five within the classroom boosts self esteem within the child. 
   Some students and parents within these school systems created a petition to take away these bans but then there are others who think they should stay. I see where students and parents are coming from when they want to petition the ban of certain things because students need to have their freedom. The article says that we may be a "sue-happy" nation and that is why schools are banning so much. Yes, it is understandable that school systems want to cover themselves from any sort of law suit that can come about within school but to go to the level of banning tag at recess is definitely to much. I do not agree completely with these school systems and to the extent of their bans but I can agree in some aspect. Yes the PDA is banned but high fives and tag is way to much. 

Sunday, February 13, 2011

How come people want to teach?

Teaching is such a large and vast profession and the reasons of while people choose the profession is just as broad. Some people want to teach because they want to change the lives of others and make a difference in the world. Others just love working with children and believe that teaching is the best route for them. There are so many reasons that make up the decisions of choosing teaching as a profession that you just lose track. After researching the question, "how come people want to teach", I found that there are even more reasons than I came up with.
- In this article the author is explaining why she wants to be a teacher and gives many aspects of the job that she wants to incorporate into her teaching. Her reasons are primarily based on affecting the lives of students each day. The author feels that she is going to change the world with her students not only through curriculum based learning but with real life situations. She feels that teaching is the only occupation for her because of the feelings she will get when a student learns the curriculum they have been struggling for or a student who will tell her that she is a role model to them. I can really connect with this specific article because I feel the same exact way this author does about why I chose to become a teacher.

- This article portrays ten reasons of while people choose teaching as a profession. I found it interesting because it gives the opinion a lot of people have about teaching as a job. For example, it is definitely not for everyone because some people can barely be within a classroom for ten minutes with out wanting to pull their hair out. One of the points that I have never heard nor thought of was the control of the classroom. The article says that the teacher decides each day what will take place, it is one of very few jobs that allows you to control your work day. I believe teachers do have a lot of this control by deciding how things will be run and what will go on, but they do not have very much leniency for what they want to teach. The curriculum they are given is very strict especially when it comes time for MCAS.